Friday, February 12, 2010

My name is Samantha Rogers, and welcome to my photo project. I am an amateur photographer, and I have kind of lost my way when it comes to photography. I took classes in collage for three years, and I still love it, but I am just not taking many photos anymore. So I decided to give myself a photo project.

I am going to take at least one photo a day with my digital, and post it here. I will also post one of my past favorites every day. I also plan to give myself an assignment each week for my 35mm film camera, and I will post them each week also. I plan to do this for at least 3 months, then I will see how it goes after that. I hope someone can enjoy this along with me, and don't be afraid to let me know how you feel about the photos, good, or bad.


  1. Great idea, Sam! People don't realize that just the simple things we see around us and take for granted can make spectacular art! Not using a digital camera? I still love my Pentax 35mm. It takes much better photos, but what will we do when they stop selling film? I also have a Nikkn D something, but the directions are a pain! A constant learning curve. Have you tried manipulating your photos digitally? Check out my blog at: and place your blog on the art guild website since you're a member. (+:

  2. I am using a small digital for the pic a day photos, but my projects are with my film camera.
